Thursday, January 11, 2007

firs week, firs post

Having started DMA for about 3 days now, I had the chance to meet some great professors and classmates whom I look at as valuable sources of learning & inspiration. I also spent some time on surfing sites like ninjablog, pond70 & flashinto.

Ninjablog helped me figure out how to post all the steps I take to accomplish my projects.I found pond70's design quiet stylish & modern while I enjoyed reading Danny's interview as well as editorial article. There are so many amazing pieces on flashinto which can throw me away for hours & hours whithout even hearing the "tic tac".

Reading the editorial on pond70, I found myself very excited. It was a great source of inspiration & critical thinking. Surprisingly enough and luckily, I noticed there are still people who care about creativity and its fading passion. The shinging light of that article made me think about the many reasons that might have caused the colors fade away from today's life style.

Through mind power and imagination, I took a short trip beyond the walls to remember most of the commecials I hear & see these days, glance at the billboards on highways, walk into contemporary arts museums, and I looked for creative minds everywhere. I couldn't hear myself saying "wow", I was more surprised when I found myself surrounded by cliches rather than creative art.

On a second thought, it's most probably the market demand for cliche that results in huge clumsy production of cliche. It's all about the flow of life; everyone is in hurry, people don't even have time to cook (good for Mcdonald's). We are entrapped in the new life trend and it's demands. Here we have three different category; the first group referes to those who don't see the trap and feel happy anyways, second category consists of the ones who see what's happening but find it so overwhelming to swim against the flow and the last but not the least group is those who see the trap and do their best to make a difference. These are actually the ones who will be remembered forever.

Choice is ours, we can join any of these categories but before playing, it is crutial to consider the rules.

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