Friday, May 4, 2007

summer school?

thigs do not seem to be running smoothly at the moments. I'm sure if I really wannt be at school this summer, though I've taken all the subjects as of yet. I dont know but I might drop the whole term, we'll c!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

back 2 skate deck prj!

well, ja, this one is over too!!!
first, art concept (research + sketches)
second, choose one amongst several sketches, scan it, take it into illustrator (auch!), trace it and add everthing else considering the dimensions of a real skate board (8" x 32").
Last, but not the least, was to find a reliable print shop not to screw it once printed out. There was one downtown called "Marcormedia" which did a good job 4 most of us.
Having the design printed on a glossy paper, I had to cut my foam board & stick the design on it (which sounded like a nightmare itself)! Some of my friends screwed their design while trying to stick it on the board.
So, here it is:

CD cover!

this was suppoed to be created out of collage.
So, I made the whole collage to create front cover, back cover, 2 inside pages & a CD lable for darling Michael Buble. Then took several pieces of that collage into photoshop & illustrator & did the followings:

Monday, April 16, 2007

Water Contact Day!

This one was really wierd, I still dont understand its phylosephy (maybe it's a practice to control mind). Anyways, we were to document any time that we contact with water during one day. I, personally, have a very high contact range with WATER everyday. Alas, I could only record some and not all simpley coz my frined came over to my place and from that moment I lost count.
However, if I wanna list how many times I had contact with water, I can mention these:

morning bathroom & face wash
coffee machine wash
made jelly
color pad wash
filled water container
washed tomatoes
made egg
made tea
cooked meal+soup
soaked barley
watered my plants
fruit wash
washed my hands more than 10 times

skate tag

Yeah, this one is over 2! I chose the pyramid layout amongst the others & used a watercolor splatter as background. Took it into photoshop & tried different blending option till I came up with this dynamic motion & I thought: "aha!" that's what a skate is about!!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Monday, April 2, 2007

skate deck sketches

next project: skate deck

gotta be fun 2!!! we'll c!

Toy BOX!

This freakin toy box took me a day & half , it was hell of work but apart from deadline pressure the whole process was fun. I wish had more time to modify the design the way I really wanted it to be but I had to get it done for today. So, here is what I did. I included all the elements of a real toy box as well. Added my own cell phone number it's barcode, my blog as the website. Had a name 4 each character, came up with a name 4 the collection (2diiz= tiny+dudes)!!!
I loved toy makin specially that I could interact with each and everyone of my characters. I have also developed a personality & story line 4 all of them. Though there wasnt enough space on the box to include everything.
I did everything at home with whatever tools & tech I had in my room. Printin the images was hell of a work coz my printer cant go beyond letter size while the box i had designed was larger than a letter size paper, so i had to cut the images into pieces, print each of them & then paste them together on the box & cut the extras as well.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

magazine AD!

One of the assignments was to design an advertisement as though it was gonna be printed, considering design & print principles.

Here's the ad I designed for "Fet(Future Electronics Trading) Computers" which is a combination of both illustrator & photoshop:

3D drawing

It took me about 5 hours to finished 3 sketches. It was also my first experience with pastel. After I finished the colored version, I HAD to take a shower; the room was colored with pastel, let alone me.

Toys r absolute fun!

Well, makin these tiny dudes took me forever, specially the paint process!
Here r some photos:

Thursday, March 15, 2007

some tiny dudes

Here's what I came up with; 3 tiny characters:

a girl, a man, an alien dude

I'm gonna put all 3 in one rectangular box whose front side has got a window to show how the real characters look like.

Toy Factory

I'm really excited about this toy factory project, I mean the toy itselt (not the box of course).
Checked Toys R US today & got even more excited, bought some toys, wanted to buy more but stopped the temporary desire!
So far I've surfed some website to learn about super sculpey projects, and NOW gotta sketch the concept of the toy I wanna work on.
Will be back soon.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Skate tag background theme

Skate tag sketches

I thought of 3 different layouts for my skate tag, will c which one works better. I like them all anyways.

One is a triangle tag (2 double sided pages) for which i'm gonna use a water colored background then I'm gonna paste the info sheets & images to it as if those are taped to the main background image.

Second one is a tag which looks more like a boot. Its front & back pages will look like a real skate, design wise (except for the wheels), on the inside pages info will be shown on a water color background.

Third represents the concept of the wheels meaning this will be a circular tag which looks exactly like skate wheels. 3 wheels together in a row to be folded on the sides.

I'll use a red & white water color background for the wheels.

hunting ideas for skate tag

My first step was to check out sport stores. It was at sport check where I found a nice & friendly sales guy who didnt mind my camera at all. Although I'm thinking to design a tag for Salomon, they didnt have much of that brand in store (donno why!). So, I had to find on the net.

Well, after all, I really liked Salomon inline skates, designed for agressive skating & specially for women. Hence, the target market of this product are females from 16-30 years old.

Here r some pix I've collected so far: